Net-metering or Feed-in Tariff? Can They Co-exist?

>> Friday, September 26, 2008

Check this article written by by Glenn Harris, CEO, SunCentric Incorporated on net metering and feed in credits. Pretty technical, but you can see the money that can be made or saved by you tapping into this free renewable energy, whether by wind generator or solar panel system. Here's the link....


based on the way California's SB 1 and SB 1714 are written, it is not possible for a system owner to "double dip" and receive both a FIT and a net-metering incentive through a single utility meter. A system owner would have to choose. This is not to say that the same owner could not own two systems: for example, one on a roof top that receives a CSI net-metering incentive and one in a field that has a FIT system. A second utility meter would have to be installed and dedicated for the FIT system.
More of the article here


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